My thanks to Alan Stapleton for sending through these pictures. During ’64 / 65 the Trems and me went to Ireland to make a film called ‘A Touch of Blarney’. Alan (then aged 10 years) was one of the Stapleton children and they lived in a big white house in Silverpine Studios in Bray. I’m really grateful to Alan for sending these pictures through as there are not many pictures from our film making days around!
with our Manager,
Peter Waslh
Very nice now to see pictures of ‘A Touch Of Blarney’, a film from 1964 with the song ‘Don’t Cry’. There is very little information about this film on the internet. Information can be found about the films’ Just For Fun ‘(1963;’ Keep On Dancing ‘) and’ Africa Shakes’ (1966; probably with ‘Don’t Cry’, ‘Do You Love Me’, ‘Someone, Someone ‘and’ Come On In ‘), but almost nothing about’ A Touch of Blarney ‘. Grandiose now to see some photos. Thanks, Brian (and Alan Stapleton).
Must confess I’d never even heard of this! I live in hope that both movies surface one day…
Hi, I have been a solid fan of Brian Poole since I was a young teenager. I collected every record for my own pleasure. When u was older u took my grandson to see him live in Llandudno . He was as thrilled as me as his music was still magic even ti the two new generations . My only wish now is to try and get a copy of a single that no one seems to recall. It was number 7 on Radio Caroline hit list .but I couldn’t buy it anywhere I saw Brian and the Trend live at Felixstowe .they sang it and Bacj stage Alan Blakey said he was suprised as it’s been released . The song was called ‘ Smile Now ‘ .. I haven’t heard it played ever again . I’d love to hear original recording and know what was on the B side. ( as they were always great sings aswell ) if posdible I’d appreciate hearing it. I did manage to contactsomeone ar Decca ( that’s how kern a fan I was/ am) they said if they pressed less than six hundred they broke the mould . So that must be what happened Radio Caroline had it and played it several times a day but wasn’t generally released. I’m 74 now with cancer so doubt I will get to hear it again unless Mr Brian Poole is good enough to play it on site or add it to any releases he may consider . I saw the farewell concert in Llandudno and had a brief chat and a photo with you But didn’t mention it this time, as I had asked both Brian a few years earlier and Rick West , who I saw at a petrol station on the M 1. RICK REMEMBERED It, SAID HE HAD A COPY . BUT WAS But wasn’t really interested. Understandably I supose as he probably gets fed up of fans questions ..especially when your just filling uo yhe car. Anyhow . I just wanted to say again as I did at the farewell concert. ThANK YOU FOR the FANTASTIC ENTERTAINMENT AND . Even when you went soli I collected your songs and any posters I could . . Hope you rock for many more years